Box Elder Bugs vs. Elm Seed Bugs – All You Need to Know

Our homes provide us with much-needed comfort and shelter, but sometimes, we get uninvited guests in our homes. Insects like Box Elder Bugs and Elm Seed Bugs are common home invaders. They can be a nuisance and cause damage to plants and trees. These insects are often mistaken for each other but have distinct differences. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between Box Elder Bugs and Elm Seed Bugs and tell you how to deal with them and control their populations.

Box Elder Bugs and Elm Seed Bugs are often mistaken for each other because they look similar. Box Elder Bugs are black with red or orange markings on their wings. Elm Seed Bugs are brown with white or yellow lines on their wings. Fully developed Elm Seed Bugs are smaller than Box Elder Bugs, about 1/4 inch long, while Box Elder Bugs are about 1/2 inch long.

Elm Seed Bugs tend to be much more active during summer, seeking shelter from the sun. They often gather in large groups and can be found in gardens or areas with many elm trees. Box Elder Bugs behave similarly but are more active when looking for winter shelter in the fall. Box Elder Bugs are attracted to warm spaces and can often be seen basking in the sun on the south and west side of a home or building. They will also invade homes or buildings in large numbers when seeking shelter.

Box Elder Bugs prefer box elder trees, maple trees, and ash trees as host plants. Elm Seed Bugs, on the other hand, prefer elm trees and sunflowers. Both insects feed on plant sap and can cause damage to trees and plants. However, Box Elder Bugs are known to cause more damage to trees than Elm Seed Bugs. Box Elder Bugs and Elm Seed Bugs are neither dangerous nor harmful to humans or pets. They do not bite or carry any diseases.

However, they can be a nuisance because they tend to invade homes in large numbers (especially during the fall). They come indoors looking for a warm place to spend winter. You can prevent Box Elder Bugs and Elm Seed Bugs from invading your home by sealing all cracks and gaps in the walls, foundation, doors, and windows. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove insects that have already entered your home. Do not squash or crush them because they emit a foul odor that can stain fabrics and walls.

If you are experiencing an infestation of either bug, there are steps you can take to control their population. First and foremost, it is essential to seal any cracks or crevices in your home where the bugs can enter. Close doors and windows tightly, and repair any tears in window screens. Removing overgrown vegetation or trees that attract bugs to your property may also be helpful. A pest control professional is often necessary to control severe infestations. We recommend you consult a specialist to determine the best course of action if it becomes more than a minor nuisance.

Conclusion: Box Elder Bugs and Elm Seed Bugs are common insects that often invade homes. They look similar but have distinct differences in their appearance and feeding habits. While they can be a nuisance, they are not harmful to humans or pets. You can prevent them from entering your home by sealing all gaps and cracks. If you have an infestation, call a professional pest control service to help you deal with the problem. Following these tips, you can keep your home bug-free and enjoy a comfortable living space.

Contact Guardian Pest Control at 801-225-6000 today for a Free Quote or click here to learn more about Box Elder Bugs or you can click here to learn more about Elm Seed Bugs.

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