Learn about Utah Centipedes
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The most problematic centipede in Utah is the house centipede. This species is 1-1½˝ long and has a yellow-grey body with three brown, longitudinal stripes on the top of its body. Unlike other centipedes, the house centipede is the only known species that can survive entirely within homes and buildings.

Centipedes prefer damp, moist areas and are frequently found in basements, storage areas, and bathrooms. Outdoors they can be found under an accumulation of leaves, under stones, decaying firewood, mulch, etc. Generally, they are active at night. Although centipedes can bite, the bite is seldom worse than a bee sting.
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A centipede’s main diet consists of insects, spiders, and other arthropods. They eat almost anything small enough and soft-bodied.
Life Cycle & Reproduction
Females deposit 10 to 60 eggs in well-hidden, moist areas including under soil or in decaying organic matter. They usually lay eggs during the spring and summer. However, in more tropical regions, this can occur year-round. Eggs hatch after 1 to 3 three months when immature centipedes emerge. Centipedes can live for up to 5 years.
Centipedes are mostly nuisance pests but can bite humans. However, this is not generally a serious concern. Young centipedes are usually unable to penetrate the skin, and bites from larger centipedes usually only cause minor irritation, similar to mild bee stings.
Common Utah Pests
- American Cockroaches
- Bed Bugs
- Black Widows
- Box Elder Bugs
- Brown Recluse
- Carpenter Ants
- Carpenter Bees
- Carpet Beetles
- Centipedes
- Earwigs
- Elm Seed Bugs
- Crickets
- German Cockroaches
- Gophers
- Hobo Spiders
- Honey Bees
- Indian Meal Moths
- Lawn Pests
- Mice
- Millipedes
- Mosquitoes
- Norway Rats
- Oriental Cockroaches
- Paper Wasps
- Pavement Ants
- Pharaoh Ants
- Roof Rats
- Sow Bugs
- Termites
- Voles
- Yellow Jackets